At first glance, the Extreme Fat Burner seems to have a powerful formula for known herbs and diet pills.
However, we noticed that his formula is not as strong as other proven fat burning, such as fat burning UltraLean, or NiacinMax advertising, or burning.
Can it provide you with results? Keep reading and find out if the brand really helps you lose weight or just hype.
What is Extreme Fat Burner?
Extreme Fat Burner (also known as Gorilla Extreme Fat Burner) is a product of Vital Life USA LLC. It is mainly a fat-burning supplement. Other health statements include:
- Increase energy and metabolism
- Stop appetite
- Helps lower cholesterol
- Supports an increase in muscle mass
As you can see, in addition to losing weight, this supplement also supports other health benefits, which is good.
Life Life USA’s official website does not provide more than Extreme Fat Burner details, but there are also some retail websites such as eBay and Amazon have complete formulas.
Extreme Fat Burner ingredients
As mentioned above, the Extreme Fat Burner has an impressive mix of ingredients, but only 392 mg total dose per serving.
Ingredients: chrome, lime, apple vinegar, garcinia cambogia, bearberry leaf, green tea, glucomannan, dandelion, caffeine, melon, grape, white willow, clover leaf forksohlii and pepper.
Inactive ingredients include flour, gelatin, capsule silica and magnesium stearate.
How does Extreme Fat Burner work?
According to Life Extreme Fat Burner, the oil formula can also help suppress appetite and increase energy and metabolic levels. It also claims to help improve cholesterol levels.
But there is no information on Vital Life’s website about how this supplement really works for weight loss.
According to the formula, only the green tea, guarana, larvae, chromium and oyster shells are certified in Extreme Fat Burner ingredients.
Fruits such as apple vinegar, pepper, grapefruit, bear fruit, dandelion and glucomannan are known to have weight loss properties.
Where to buy Extreme Fat Burner?
You can buy the brand online directly from their official website.
In addition, you can try our top brand – HCG Complex. Click the link below for more information.